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Traditional 7 string Oud (Arabic lute) with slanted cutaway, European flamed maple, Adirondack red spruce and Ebony.

The oud is effectively, the predecessor of the guitar instrument, and also of all the quartet instruments.


For a guitar maker, it is good practice to connect with the origins of your profession from time to time, and this century-old oud is the instrument that directly led me to create the bowl-back steel string guitar Oudtar (shown below) in 2011.

Oud Masmoudi, traditional instrument by Thierry André
照片 :Anne-Marie Amyot
Oud Masmoudi, traditional instrument by Thierry André

Sycomore 又名欧洲枫木和乌木用于此乐器。

琴颈由 Sitka 云杉木芯制成,并以乌木和 Sycomore 分层。

Oud 的特殊钉箱(右)由乌木/梧桐层压而成,以防止有时与木钉因不同相对湿度水平而发生尺寸变化相关的任何分裂。

Oud Masmoudi, traditional instrument by Thierry André


哇 !

感谢 Mohamed Masmoudi 的视频。 

Oudtar, Bowl-back acoustic guitar by Thierry André Instruments

The Oud-inspired Oudtar, traditional steel-string guitar with bowl-back configuration.

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