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Mono-Man, early experimental instrument (cordophone) by Thierry André
Mono-Man, early experimental instrument (cordophone) by Thierry André
Mono-Man, early experimental instrument (cordophone) by Thierry André
Mono-Man, early experimental instrument (cordophone) by Thierry André

Mono-Man is an interpretation of the cordophone.

This archaic and rudimentary instrument, is what composer Charles Quevillon wanted, to highlight the finale of his work  - cordes a vide -, literally -open string-, a poetic take on the simple action of plucking the string of an instrument.

Seeing Charle's work (below) in person, is a transcending experience :


-Far away from guitar scales and any form of -shredding-, his minimalist, instrumental -action-, is telling, quite like seeing a movie.


Mono-Man's construction is as genuine as possible, in regards to the prehistoric time it relates to.


Made of hide-glue, goat skin and red cedar, Its theatrical use invites to use transparency in its making.

One string, on Hipshot bass tuner:

-That's it!

Mono-Man, early experimental instrument (cordophone) by Thierry André, ideas

Corde à vide is a work for an instrumentalist suspended in the center of a chime of plucked string instruments.
This solo work interpreted by the composer exploits the physical and musical tension that the scenic device creates. Indeed, this scenography makes plucking the string very difficult to perform given the distance at which the instruments are located and the precariousness of the positions of the instrumentalist.

Mono-Man, early experimental instrument (cordophone) by Thierry André

See Cluster here, an early experimental harp-guitar by Thierry.

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