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78 Tempo by Thierry Andre Instruments

-78 Tempo- 2024

Raga 2 by Thierry Andre Instruments

Raga 2 - 2023

Echoes-of-Time, Harp-guitar by Thierry André-Andre Instruments

Echoes of Time - 2022

Clara Archtop, guitar by Thierry André-Andre Instruments

Clara Archtop - 2021

Sun, Moon, and Vibrations - Thierry Andre Instruments

Sun,Moon, and Vibrations - 2019

Guitare-Fruit Wurcer - Thierry Andre Instruments

Guitare-Fruit Wurcer - 2018

Old School Archtop - Thierry Andre Instruments

Old School Archtop - 2017

RAGA guitar - Thierry Andre Instruments

Raga-guitar - 2017

Maya Bass 3 by Thierry André-Andre Instruments

Maya Bass 3 - 2017

Multi 2 - Thierry Andre Instruments - Harp guitar w/sympathetic strings and sub-bass

Multi 2 - 2016

MAYA Bass 2 - Thierry Andre Instruments - Acoustic Bass

Maya Bass 2 - 2016

Multi - Thierry Andre Instruments - Harp guitar w/sympathetic strings and sub-bass

Multi - 2015

MAYA BASS - Thierry Andre Instruments - acoustic bass

Maya - 2015

Kouai - Thierry Andre Instruments - electric guitar hollow-body rosewood top

Kouai - 2014

JM7 - Thierry Andre Instruments - Nylon electric acoustic guitar 7 string - multiac-style anti-feedb

JM7 - 2013

Oudtar - Thierry Andre Instruments - bowl-back acoustic guitar -

Oudtar - 2011

SAKURA - Thierry Andre Instruments - steel-string acoustic guitar - jumbo 17 inch low bout - Sitka s

Sakura - 2009

Goldorak - Thierry Andre Instruments - holow-body electric guitar - camphor burl padauk and mahogany

Goldorak - 2007

Khan, Acoustic archtop guitar by Thierry André-Andre Instruments

Khan - 2005

Orange project - Thierry Andre Instruments - carved-top electric guitar - prs santan model inspired

Projet Orange - 2003

Zyra - Thierry Andre Instruments - hollow-body electric guitar w horns flutes acoustic-electric body

Zyra - 2002

Raga 2 acoustic bowl back guitar by Thierry Andre Instruments, in the making.

「昨日はブティック ギター ショーケースを主催する機会に恵まれました。皆さんの楽器からは、熟練した職人による手作りの楽器だけが作り出せる魂が感じられました。」



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